Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Farewell "Champagne Sam" SuperClubs have lost a GEM!

 Any of you that have been going to SuperClubs for any length of time know Sam James.  Some of us know him as "Champagne Sam".  He was at one time the GM of Hedonism II, Grand Lido Negril and Grand Lido Braco.  It is with sadness for me, but for Sam great joy .... after 27 year with the SuperClubs, he has retired!   

You will be missed Sam!  
May your Champagne flow for many years to come and all your bubbles be crisp and light.

(800) 329-8145


  1. He was probably of of the few who knew what was going on....
    Great Man, lots of vision about the industry and and always looking out for the guest. I was lucky and got to have drinks on the Zein with him . He is already missed. Have a blessed retirement.

  2. Yes, he will be missed ;(
